06. Februar 2015
Exportdialog: Marokko
Handelskammer informiert
Place: Basel
Date: Friday, 6 February 2015 / 14.00 - 18.00 h
Switzerland (with EFTA) has had a free trade agreement with Morocco since 1996. Yet the proportion of Swiss exports to Morocco is low. However this share may increase in the years to come as Morocco offers interesting business opportunities for Swiss companies. Especially investments in the fields of infrastructure (railways and ports), renewable energy and environmental protection (waste management, water supply) and tourism offer great opportunities. The Moroccan government makes a big effort to attract businesses to its country.
Thanks to the economic relations in the region, Morocco serves as a hub for the development of West African markets. The country has an exceptionally high degree of openness with its 50 free trade agreements (not yet with the EU).
Take advantage of this event to learn more about your business opportunities in the Moroccan market from Moroccan government officials (including the minister for foreign trade). In addition to testimonials from a Swiss company you will also meet representatives of Moroccan companies and thus potential business partners.
Invest in Morocco
Mr. Hamid Benalafdil, Head of Invest in Morocco (AMDI)
Doing business in Morocco: Success stories of Swiss companies in Morocco
Introduction: Suhail el Obeid, consultant Africa, S-GE
Tourism: Mr. Amr Kallini, General Manager, Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca (tbc)
Casablanca Financial Center: a Gateway to Africa , general and practical considerations: Mr. Jöel Rochat, Managing Partner, Onyx Wealth Management (tbc)
Energy: Mr.Andrea Pedretti, Founder and CTO of Airlight Energy (tbc)
Food: Mr. Dominic Beschle, CEO Beschle
Closing remarks
M. Sami Zerelli, President, CCSM
M. Chris Watts, Regional Director AAA, S-GE
Networking, refreshments
Costs for members
CHF 60.00
Costs for non members
CHF 100.00
Congress Center Basel, Room Rio
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